On 24 July 2012 Saint-Petersburg Foundation for Investment Projects and ZAO "Geningconsult" signed the Contract for Engineering Consultancy Services in the Traveler's Palace - Main Building restoration project.
Dam protects St. Petersburg against floods
The complexof dam structures, which was built around St. Petersburg with the participation of ZAO "Geningconsult",preventeddamageto St. Petersburgfrom possiblefloodingon November 28, 2011amounting toUSD 42 mln.
Construction of the sections (first stage) of the new Bypass situated to the East of St. Petersburg (KM 51+200 – KM 56+ 800), (КМ 61+100 – КМ 66+400), (КМ 77+500 – КМ 79+500). The width of the Bypass is 2 traffic lines in each direction excluding interchange and flyovers where according to the engineering requirements the width is 4 traffic lines in each direction.
Scientific and research works for determination of contamination rate for soil, vegetation, surface waters of the local rivers and pools in the oil spill area. Investigation of hay and milk in local populated areas, veterinarian investigations of domestic animals, general monitoring of fish resources in the Petchora and the Kolva rivers.
Gathering of oil from 7 contaminated zones, rehabilitation of vegetation cover. Construction of dams, procurement of oil gathering equipment including separators for oil gathering from the Kolva river surface. Construction of temporary soil areas for oil burial.
Complete reconstruction of waste disposal plants in the city of Raduzhny and construction of plants for water treatment. Procurement of spare parts for the city waste disposal plants and providing services in mounting, starting-up and personnel training.
Delivery of technological line for production of aerosol cans for Arnest enterprise under the Global Ecological Foundation Project for reconstruction of plants using ozone destructive substances in the technological process. Installation and starting-up.