Investment Project Management Company


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Traveler's Palace restoration project.

On 24 July 2012 Saint-Petersburg Foundation for Investment Projects and ZAO "Geningconsult" signed the Contract for Engineering Consultancy Services in the Traveler's Palace - Main Building restoration project. 

Dam protects St. Petersburg against floods

The complex of dam structures, which was built around St. Petersburg with the participation of ZAO "Geningconsult", prevented damage to St. Petersburg from possible flooding on November 28, 2011 amounting to USD 42 mln.


 Engineering and Inspection of Kharyaga-Usinsk Pipeline

Country:  Russian Federation
City / region:  *
Client:  OAO “Komineft”
Financing agency:  IBRD, OAO “Komineft”
Project costs:  6 million USD
Project period:  1996-1999

Short description of project:

Assessment of the pipe integrity and development of technical assignment for its improvement. Development of measures to avoid possible oil spills. Preparation and carrying out of inter-pipe diagnostics.
