Investment Project Management Company


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Traveler's Palace restoration project.

On 24 July 2012 Saint-Petersburg Foundation for Investment Projects and ZAO "Geningconsult" signed the Contract for Engineering Consultancy Services in the Traveler's Palace - Main Building restoration project. 

Dam protects St. Petersburg against floods

The complex of dam structures, which was built around St. Petersburg with the participation of ZAO "Geningconsult", prevented damage to St. Petersburg from possible flooding on November 28, 2011 amounting to USD 42 mln.


 Recovery of Middle Section of Kharyaga-Usinsk Oil Pipeline

Country:  Russian Federation
City / region:  *
Client:  OAO "Komineft"
Financing agency:  IBRD, EBRD, OAO "Komineft"
Project costs:  28 million USD
Project period:  1995-1996

Short description of project:

Overall length of the Kharyaga-Usinsk oil pipeline is 148 km. In the history of the pipeline several major oil blowouts took place due to in-pipe corrosion. In 1994 such blowouts became critical. The project included:

·      preparatory works on the route;

·      arrangement of electro-chemical protection including TransmissionTowers, cathodic protection stations for the length of 45 km oil pipeline;

·      replacement of the 28 km oil pipeline;

·      arrangement of driveways along the line, of over 55 km;

·      arrangement of entry points to the pipeline elements, including dams, covering and artificial structures of more than 110 thousand m3;

·      arrangement of 12 line valve units;

·      nondestructive check of welds along 25 km line;

arrangement of the crossway over Usinsk- Kharyaga motor road.
