Investment Project Management Company


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Traveler's Palace restoration project.

On 24 July 2012 Saint-Petersburg Foundation for Investment Projects and ZAO "Geningconsult" signed the Contract for Engineering Consultancy Services in the Traveler's Palace - Main Building restoration project. 

Dam protects St. Petersburg against floods

The complex of dam structures, which was built around St. Petersburg with the participation of ZAO "Geningconsult", prevented damage to St. Petersburg from possible flooding on November 28, 2011 amounting to USD 42 mln.


Transport and Infrastructure

 Completion of St. Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier (Barrier)

Completion of construction of the flood protection dam with a length of 23.4 km, bridge with a lifting span of 120m, tunnel, unique navigation openings (gates), power and control system of the Barrier.

 Chita-Khabarovsk Road Section Construction 1

The Chita-Khabarovsk Road section construction (720-863 km section). Subgrade earthworks, road pavement, construction works for culverts, bridges and overpasses

 Chita-Khabarovsk Road Section Construction 2

Construction of two sections of the Chita-Khabarovsk Road (483-596, 943-1006 km sections). Subgrade earthworks, road pavement, construction works for culverts, bridges and overpasse.

 Construction of the Section of the St. Petersburg Bypass 1

Construction of the section of the St. Petersburg bypass (ring road) (PR 512-568). Construction of the roadbed, pavement, two transport interchanges, three muti-level viaducts, bridges and culverts,  access roads

 Construction of the Section of the St. Petersburg Bypass 2

Construction of the section of the St. Petersburg bypass (ring road) (PK 611-664 and PK 774-795). Construction of the roadbed, pavement, two transport interchanges, bridges, viaducts and other construction structures.

 Rehabilitation of Krymsky Bridge in Moscow

Replacement of the concrete slab of the traffic section, replacement of the metal superstructure. Bridge area – 25 387 sq. m.

 Rehabilitation of Borodinsky Bridge in Moscow

Complete replacement of the metal superstructure, reconstruction of the engineering systems, and restoration of the architectural profile. Bridge area – 15 140 sq. m.

 Rehabilitation of Khoroshevsky Bridge in Moscow, Moscow capital component, Russia

Rehabilitation of the reinforced concrete slab of the traffic section, reconstruction of the engineering systems. Bridge area – 4 527 sq. m.

 Construction of the Overpass in Donbass and tramway flyover in Moscow
Construction of tramway flyover and reconstruction of Donbass overpass with the overall width of 44 m. providing for 8 traffic lines and tramway flyover of 600 m. length providing for flyover crossing of tramway lines and Paveletsky railways.  Construction of the Pedestrian Underpass under Varshavskoe highway at crossing with Chongarsky avenue in Moscow
Construction of pedestrian underpass of about 50 m. long for convenience and safety of pedestrians  Development of Bridge Management System in Moscow
Establishment of a unified special complex for bridge management in Moscow including a database on bridge conditions including existing defects, estimation of repair and maintenance works.  Survey and Inspection of Bridge Structures and Data Collection for Bridge Maintenance System in Moscow

Hiring a special contractor for providing standard and special inspection and preparation of conclusions on current status of more than 330 Moscow bridges and overpasses for Moscow Government

 Rehabilitation of Novobasmanny Overpass in Moscow

Complete replacement of the concrete superstructure, reconstruction of engineering systems. The overpass area – 634 sq. m.

 Rehabilitation of Starobasmanny Fly-Over in Moscow

Complete replacement of the concrete superstructure, reconstruction of the engineering systems. Bridge area – 616 sq. m.

 Rehabilitation of Novospassky Bridge in Moscow

Complete replacement of the metal superstructure, reconstruction of the engineering systems, Bridge area – 10 793 sq. m.

 Rehabilitation of Bolshoy Ustinsky Bridge in Moscow

Replacement of the orthotropic plate of the traffic section, reconstruction of the engineering systems.

Bridge area – 19 373 sq. m.

 Rehabilitation of Ostapovsky Overpass in Moscow

Replacement the superstructure’s end concrete beams, replacement of the concrete slabs of the traffic section, reconstruction of the engineering systems. The overpass area – 6 984 sq. m.

 Rehabilitation of Khoroshevsky Bridge in Moscow

Rehabilitation of the reinforced concrete slab of the traffic section, reconstruction of the engineering systems. Bridge area – 4 527 sq. m.

 Rehabilitation of Vorobyevsky Overpass in Moscow

Rehabilitation of the bridge bed, replacement of the road dressing. Bridge area – 4 334 sq. m.

 Rehabilitation of Motor Bridge over the Agan River in Raduzhny City, Tyumen Region

Rehabilitation of the bridge with replacement of the fly-over structures and asphalt covering.

 Public Expenditure Review of the Russian Transport Sector

Assess expenditure needed for the road sector in 2003-2007 on maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction and construction;

Analysis the distribution of road sector finance and operation responsibilities among various budget system levels, as well as basic principles governing the administration of targeted financial assistance;

Improvement of the procurement system serving the needs of the road sector and monitoring their implementation; analysis and development of ways to reduce expenditure on road maintenance works through an improved government procurement system and implementation monitoring;

Assess the prospects of and draft recommendations on the commitment of additional funds for road sector financing.

 Repair of Road Network with Asphalt Covering in Raduzhny City, Tyumen Region

Repair of the bed and laying new asphalt covering in the center of Raduzhny city

 Reconstruction of Raduzhny-Nizhnevartovsk Road

Repair of the ground bed and laying new asphalt covering.

 Construction of Baltic Pipeline System

Development of the Feasibility Study for investments in construction of the Baltic Pipeline System with the purpose of further attraction of funds of the International Financial Institutions and private investors to construct the Yaroslavl-Kirishi-Primorsk pipeline and Primorsk oil terminal.

 Reconstruction of the system of main pipelines of JSC “Transnefteproduct”

In accordance with “Program of reconstruction and development of main pipelines system” JSC “Transnefteproduct” planned to fulfill a complex of measures on modernization and new construction of main pipelines using outside financing («Project») aimed to:

·      increase efficiency of main oil products pipelines;

·      increase effectiveness of pipeline systems;

·      improve ecological situation.

Following actions are planned under the Project:

·      reconstruction of 750 km of main pipelines (outer diameter 530 mm) including pipes procurement;

·      replacement of main pump units and buster pump units;

·      replacement of more than 100 ball valves;

·      reconstruction of reservoirs;

procurement of stopple equipment.

 Engineering and Inspection of Kharyaga-Usinsk Pipeline

Assessment of the pipe integrity and development of technical assignment for its improvement. Development of measures to avoid possible oil spills. Preparation and carrying out of inter-pipe diagnostics.

 Rehabilitation and construction of Vnukovo airport in Moscow

Construction of international terminal, hangar complexes, new air traffic control tower, centralized fuel filling system, hotel complex, multistoried car parking, new cargo terminal, underground railway platform connected with airport complex building, rehabilitation of runway.    

 Construction of Airport in Raduzhny City, Tyumen Region

Construction of the airport building, construction of the runway. Length – 2 700 m. Delivery of the lighting system.

 Construction of Airport in Gubkinsky City, KhМАО

Construction of the airport building, runway and bearing tracks. Construction of asphalt pavement. Delivery of required equipment.

 Reconstruction of the airport in Kogalym City, KhМАО

Modernization of the airport building. Re-equipment of radio-technical and navigation systems, procurement of equipment for air traffic automated management system, Air Traffic Control means, and lighting equipment.

 Construction of Airport in Nizhnevartovsk City, KhМАО

Modernization of the airport building (with additional construction works). Construction of the runway, bearing tracks, delivery of required equipment.

 Operational Dredging on Entrance Passage and Port System of Bia-Blanca, Argentina

Dredging and operational dredging on the entrance passage and in the port system of Bia-Blanca (15 million m3). Navigation system supply and installation.

 Port Activities Recommencement Project at Rio-Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

Preparation & construction of port Roll On / Roll Off. Dredging (1,9 million m3 of soil). Execution of sheet pile wall. Execution of mooring quay. Supply & installation of navigation lighting system. Electrical power & port lighting. Birth & administrative buildings construction.

 Sianukville Port Reconstruction, Cambodia

Sianukville International port reconstruction – only deep-water port in Cambodia in order to increase the carrying capacity, existing births capacity. Modernization of containers handling devices. Construction of births, buildings and infrastructure. Equipping with necessary equipment.

 Khambat Port Construction, Guyarat State, India

Preparation & construction of world-level big port in order to increase capacity of GuyaratState. Construction of buildings & infrastructure. Equipping with necessary equipment.

 Delivery and Installation of Single-Point Offshore Mooring, Yuzhnosakhalinsk City

Supply and installation of single-point offshore mooring for tanker loading, construction of oil park and loading line.

 Recovery of Middle Section of Kharyaga-Usinsk Oil Pipeline

Overall length of the Kharyaga-Usinsk oil pipeline is 148 km. In the history of the pipeline several major oil blowouts took place due to in-pipe corrosion. In 1994 such blowouts became critical. The project included:

·      preparatory works on the route;

·      arrangement of electro-chemical protection including TransmissionTowers, cathodic protection stations for the length of 45 km oil pipeline;

·      replacement of the 28 km oil pipeline;

·      arrangement of driveways along the line, of over 55 km;

·      arrangement of entry points to the pipeline elements, including dams, covering and artificial structures of more than 110 thousand m3;

·      arrangement of 12 line valve units;

·      nondestructive check of welds along 25 km line;

arrangement of the crossway over Usinsk- Kharyaga motor road.

 Construction of central highway of Sochi “The alternate for Kurortny prospect”
Project name and location: “Construction of central highway of Sochi “The alternate for Kurortny prospect” from km 172 of the federal road M-27 Djugba – Sochi (r. Psakhe) to the beginning of Sochi bypass PK0 (r. Agura) with road reconstruction on the section from ul. Zemlyanichnaya to Kurortny prospect (1st phase from r. Agura to ul. Zemplyanichnaya)(Tunnels 5, 5a and 6, 6a)”